Tag Archives: Dianne Feinstein


As seen in Thunder Roads LA-MS May 2018 Vol. 14 – Issue 5.

Amid the chants of “Traitor!”, Governor Phil Scott (R-VT) signed expansive firearms controls into Vermont law; which has ranked in the top-ten best pro-firearms states in most polls since 2010. Scott signed two control bills into law. S.55 covers a raise of age to all firearms at 21-years unless a hunting license is presented, a hard limit to 10- and 15-rounds for long-gun and handgun magazine capacities, bans all non-family and non-reported private sales, and bans bump-stocks. S.221 covers “extreme risk protection orders”.

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Constitutional Enforcement

In the wake of the latest firearms control laws implemented in California this past month, you’ll see a large number of pro-firearms proponents bailing out of the state within the final months of the year. Some are fighting “Gunmageddon” by petition and by conceptual design, I should add. However, there are other problems with the state of California, and it’s not just California, but most of the rest of our favorite anti-firearms states. The economies in the states of California, New York and New Jersey are horrendous, to say the least. This is driving many of the anti-firearms proponents out of those states as well. And, with them comes their unconstitutional mindsets and votes.

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PSA: The Giving of an Inch

Just about everyone has heard the saying: if you give them an inch, they’ll take a mile. I like to utilize this saying a lot when talking about the Anti-Firearms Coalition (AFC). I also like to specifically use the reference in terms of rope. An inch of rope can still be the beginning of a noose.

Over the weekend, under very stormy conditions, I was standing around on the range talking with three friends. The conversation eventually turned to the ownership of fully-automatic weapons. Of course, there was back-and-forth as of to why civilians should and should not own them. I am a staunch believer that Americans in the United States should be able to own fully-automatic firearms as a means of leveling the field against any aggressor — foreign or domestic. My reasoning behind this, and something that I have been extremely vocal on, is that the assault on one’s rights always starts with one simple thing.

Continue reading PSA: The Giving of an Inch

The Language of Control

President Barack Obama, on the 26th of June, spoke at a Town Hall meeting in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The President touched on a number of topics, until a spectator was allowed a question and worked gun-control into the session. The White House has video of the entire meeting and there is a full transcript: which can be found here. Obama’s words caused some issue on one topic. However, very few pro-gunners seemed to notice one part of his speech that could change the nature of the gun-control push from here, on.

Now, I’m putting aside the incompetence regarding the thought that there are no background checks and ‘forgetfulness’ that the ‘gun lobby’ is comprised of, at the very least, half of the entirety of the American households (according to Gallup polls taken over the last five-years). What, instead, I want you to focus on is in bold (question begins here). Continue reading The Language of Control