Tag Archives: slidefire


As seen in Thunder Roads LA-MS May 2018 Vol. 14 – Issue 5.

Amid the chants of “Traitor!”, Governor Phil Scott (R-VT) signed expansive firearms controls into Vermont law; which has ranked in the top-ten best pro-firearms states in most polls since 2010. Scott signed two control bills into law. S.55 covers a raise of age to all firearms at 21-years unless a hunting license is presented, a hard limit to 10- and 15-rounds for long-gun and handgun magazine capacities, bans all non-family and non-reported private sales, and bans bump-stocks. S.221 covers “extreme risk protection orders”.

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As seen in Thunder Roads LA-MS April 2018 Vol. 14 – Issue 4.

Unfortunately, violence has again struck in a school within the United States of America. The news is full of fast-paced, maddening and alienating headlines even after these last few weeks. Quite literally, you can watch nearly every existing faction fight each other while whole new factions split off and join the fray. Politicians have submitted new Federal legislation to renew the Assault Weapons Ban, raise ages for purchasing of specific classes of firearms, and continue to seek a ban on accessories.

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