Tag Archives: AWB


As seen in Thunder Roads LA-MS April 2018 Vol. 14 – Issue 4.

Unfortunately, violence has again struck in a school within the United States of America. The news is full of fast-paced, maddening and alienating headlines even after these last few weeks. Quite literally, you can watch nearly every existing faction fight each other while whole new factions split off and join the fray. Politicians have submitted new Federal legislation to renew the Assault Weapons Ban, raise ages for purchasing of specific classes of firearms, and continue to seek a ban on accessories.

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As seen in Thunder Roads Louisiana June 2017 Vol. 14 – Issue 6.

The recent NRA-ILA Leadership Forum was rather underwhelming. The opportunity was given to America, by Americans during the election, to start fresh and start tearing down the old firearms controls. These controls are set forth in Federal law, presidential sanctions on foreign countries, and in BATFE determinations. The United States firearms community has always been divided, just other social issues divides us, but there is hope that the division would be set aside for unity.

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Constitutional Enforcement

In the wake of the latest firearms control laws implemented in California this past month, you’ll see a large number of pro-firearms proponents bailing out of the state within the final months of the year. Some are fighting “Gunmageddon” by petition and by conceptual design, I should add. However, there are other problems with the state of California, and it’s not just California, but most of the rest of our favorite anti-firearms states. The economies in the states of California, New York and New Jersey are horrendous, to say the least. This is driving many of the anti-firearms proponents out of those states as well. And, with them comes their unconstitutional mindsets and votes.

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