Tag Archives: sig sauer

The Czech List

A continuation of the CZ P-10C chronicles, if you will.

It’s been quite awhile since my last post. Fortunately, with time, it allowed for a lot of testing to be done on a number of platforms. Several thousand rounds have been put downrange in my time away. Today, we’ll be going back to the P-10C from CZ-USA. The biggest reason for this is because it has completely replaced the Glock as my everyday concealed carry sidearm.

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G-Code Holsters

As seen in Thunder Roads LA-MS Gulf Coast July 2019 Vol. 15, Issue 7.

In early 2013, Haley Strategic Partners teamed up with G-Code Holsters to develop a top-of-the-line, Inside The Waistband holster. From my understanding, this collaboration came of insights in difficult and disruptive environments training. I had been following Travis Haley’s work since the earlier days of my involvement with firearms. I had been interested in finding a properly hidden IWB holster for use at the 4-o’clock position, but no luck was had until the release of the INCOG holster.

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The Makarov

As seen in Thunder Roads LA-MS August 2018 Vol. 14 – Issue 8.

Firearms technology has evolved heavily, since the end of World War II, across all platforms. It is debatable on whether the modernization of firearms became simpler or more complex over time. The materials have certainly changed but, due to optimizations for many different end-user aspects, it seems as if modern designs are more complex by comparison to the preceding models. The 9×18 Makarov handgun has an uncanny beauty about it and is very specifically tailored.

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As seen in Thunder Roads LA-MS July 2018 Vol. 14 – Issue 7.

Handling your sidearm is like handling your vehicle. If you are negligent or arrogant: a severe cost could result. On the range you could see stove-pipe jams, a wide shot pattern on target, and experience having to take more time reacquiring between shots. In a gunfight these errors could very well get you killed. One training factor is how you grip the handgun. For semi-automatic handguns, I recommend the Combat Grip. This grip is also referred to as the Leatham-Enos Grip, in case you want to do more research, and it’s also commonly referred to as the “thumbs forward” grip.

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The KISS Rifle

As seen in Thunder Roads LA-MS Feb. 2018 Vol. 14 – Issue 1.

These days, it seems that keeping things simple is a lost art. With tactically-oriented training methods at an all-time high for focus; the platforms seen within the classes tells a story of “pay-to-play” being prevalent within a decent part of the community. It may be odd to see that term being used but, there’s enough proof to say that the assessment is correct. Practice is foregone for the “high-speed”, and you must buy into the latest and greatest of weapon-mounted equipment to be a part of the “high-speed”.

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